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Adidas has joined The Badminton Collective through the median of Specialists Sports to promote badminton with a plethora of new and exciting badminton merchandise. This ranges from shoes, shorts, rackets, socks and much much more.  


Adapt is a  strength and conditioning specialist that will support Individuals that are looking to enhance their playing performance and reach their desired goals. This partnership is not just for competitive athletes. It is for all that want help reaching their optimal performance levels and pushing their boundaries to the next level. 

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The Chamber Of Fitness is here to promote better health and help you achieve your fitness goals. Through the assistance of personal trainers and monthly fitness routines "The Chamber" is filled to the brim with everything you need to push your fitness to the next level. (surpass your limits right here, right now)

If you would like to partner with us please don't hesitate to get in touch

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